Monday, November 29, 2010

#83 - Timex Men's "Expedition Scout" Watch

"Military field watches are all the rage among heritage menswear junkies. They’re supposed to look like the field watches issued to soldiers during the first half of the 20th century. Timex has taken advantage of this fad by issuing J.Crew “military” watches that sell for $150 . But here’s the thing. Timex makes a very similar field watch for just $25. It just doesn’t have the fancy pants J.Crew label attached to it. If you’re looking for a simple, yet handsome-looking watch, but can’t bear the thought of having your wife fork over $150 for it, consider the Timex Camper or Timex Expedition. Both are under $30, and they tell time just like the $150 version."

Via: Art of Manliness

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