Monday, December 22, 2008

#16 iPod Shuffle - $47.50

Do you remember the days when getting a genuine Apple iPod was hundreds of dollars? My first iPod was $500! You can now buy a 1GB iPod for less than $50.

Don't forget you can always get a set of iGrados as well!

#15 Bacon Salt

I am a huge fan of this idea. I would love to try this:

#14 Gourmet Snacks - $25

What about some gourmet snacks? I love receiving these!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

#13 USB Turntable - $50 - $100

I know this possibly stretches the budget, but I often see these on Craigslist for $40 - $50. The one below is $76 /shipped new from Amazon. It is possible to get one for under $50 if you look around.

Grace Digital Turntable - Record Player.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

#12 Holga Lomographic Camera [update]

Amazon has the Holga Starter Kit
on sale right now for $59.99. That is the best price I have seen in the past six months!

#11 A How-To Book ~ $25

Does your friend or loved one want to learn how to do something a lot? I want to learn how to build tube amplifiers. My wife wants to learn how to knit. Research the best how to book in that field and with the leftover money, build a starter kit. For example, for someone who wants to learn to knit, you could stop by Joann Fabric and grab some cheap knitting needles and yarn. Wrap that up with the how-to book and you have a very thoughtful present that presents well.


Building Tube Amps

Friday, December 19, 2008

#10 His or Her Favorite Band's Discography

My buddy's favorite band is Radiohead. For under $50, I can get every full-length studio release of the band:

Pablo Honey - $3.76

The Bends - $4.80

OK Computer - $5.99

Kid A - $4

Amnesiac - $3.86

Hail to the Thief - $4.83

In Rainbows - $6

Thursday, December 11, 2008

#9 Concert Poster Update

Apartment Therapy had a post concerning concert posters as wallpaper. I thought this was a good post showing the different types of good-looking posters out there.

[Original Post]

#8 Headphone Amplifier - $35

Who hasn't been on a plane listening to his or her headphones from either an iPod or laptop and been unable to hear properly? It happens to everyone... sometimes even to those who have those fancy noise-canceling headphones. A headphone amplifier is just the trick for that. A CMOY is an amp designed by Chu Moy that has very high sound quality and very low power consumption.

For the money, you can't do better with a headphone amp. Also, if you would like to build your own, visit TangentSoft.

Purchase here: ebay